Caroline Woolley

U.K. Director and Practice Leader

Caroline received her BA (Hons) in Business Studies from the University of Portsmouth, England, and is an ACA Chartered Accountant and member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ICAEW).

Caroline is a Forensic Accountant with over 25 years in the risk and insurance industry, in the United Kingdom. She is well known as a leading business interruption expert working with the insurance and legal profession. She has a multi-faceted perspective of the claims process having spent most of her career in the investigation and valuation of claims, Caroline also worked for a global insurance brokerage firm, where she was Property Practice leader and Global head of the Business Interruption Centre of Excellence. Her in depth knowledge of business interruption spans risk consulting, analytics, placement, and claims, she therefore has the ability to draw on her extensive and unique experience in all four fields.

She specializes in the investigation of claims on behalf of Insurers, and works with Insurers to enhance relationships with their clients through our Claims Collaboration projects, including pre-loss review and development work. Her experience spans all areas of investigative accounting including loss of profits, increased costs, contract disputes, loss of earnings, subrogation, inventory, product recall, supply chain, liability, financial motive, fraud and fidelity. She also works with law firms in commercial disputes and international arbitration. She has worked with most industries including space, communications, media, hospitality, construction, energy, power and transportation.

Caroline has developed and presented seminars on forensic accounting, business interruption (damage and non-damage), natural catastrophe and supply chain related topics at conferences and for a variety of organisations including the Institute of Chartered Accountants, the United Nations, RIMS, FERMA, PARIMA and AIRMIC. She has written and been the subject of numerous articles and provided comment to the press for many years.

Caroline volunteers as Financial strategist for EmpathyLab, a not-for-profit community interest company (CIC) that works with schools, libraries, publishers and authors to promote empathy in children’s books. She is also a long standing supporter of diversity, as previous chair of an organisation supporting females in the industry, and current member of Meaden & Moore’s diversity and inclusion group.